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I've written many blogs and articles over the years. I've collected several of those to share with you here. 

Don't Give Up On Them

Liam was a gifted student who had troubling family issues, was very disengaged in school, and his parents divorced and they both moved out of state his senior year of high school. School and its requirements were not of value or importance to him during his high school years. But I didn’t give up on him. We had frequent meetings because I cared about Liam’s well being, and I wanted him to know I was an adult he could talk to.   READ MORE

Chill Out! Helping Gifted Youth Deal With Stress

What is causing stress in our gifted youth? What specific skills can educators and parents impart to help them manage their stress? Stress is a very real presence in all of our lives. It can be even more intense for the gifted because of the nature of giftedness. Specifically, gifted individuals have the tendency to be more sensitive, more intense, more introspective, and more emotional. Growing up gifted is a qualitatively different experience. This can manifest itself in the complex way a gifted individual “feels” and emotes when confronted with stressful situations. READ MORE

Gifted Students Are Not “Cookie Cutter”

I recently had very interesting conversations with four of my most special former high school students. All four were/are top students, highly accomplished in many extra curricular activities, and highly motivated to “do it right” and be successful. All had different views about the same subject and I found that to be important enough to blog about. Without any prompting, in each conversation the topic came up about what a student should focus on in high school. READ MORE

Unconventional Gifted: Noah’s Story

There are a multitude of reasons why gifted students don’t make good grades in school. Let’s explore one scenario through the eyes of Noah. As a senior, Noah has endured four years of high school classes that he was not interested in, but was required to take in order to graduate. He is perfectly capable of earning A’s, but since he isn’t interested in the classes he can’t motivate himself to do the work necessary to get A’s. READ MORE

8 Questions With Terry About Gifted and Talented

Michele Chambers is getting a Masters degree in Gifted and Talented education from Denver’s Regis University. An assignment for her class “Advocacy, Service-Learning, and Twice-Exceptional” was to interview experts in the field of gifted ed. Michelle and I are on the executive board of the Colorado Association of Gifted and Talented (CAGT) so Michelle asked me to be one of her “experts”. I wanted to share her questions and my answers. READ MORE

With So Many Books, Where Do I Start?

Recommended Reading On Giftedness by Terry Bradley

I am often asked by both parents and educators, “There are so many books on gifted, where should I start?” Search “books on gifted” on Amazon and you’ll get over 10,000 results. If you’re looking for a good entry point regarding giftedness, these books always surface to the top of my list. READ MORE

The Importance of Time Spent Outdoors

Parents will tell their kids to go outside and play, but parents want to make sure their children can still be easily seen. We want kids to stay close, for safety reasons that weren’t as much on our radar 50 or even 20 years ago. But this shrinking play radius has resulted in our society having a “Nature Deficit Disorder”. READ MORE

It is easier to build children than to repair adults.

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